Horus heresy
Horus heresy

horus heresy

The series has a large and expanding cast of characters, ranging from the Emperor of Mankind to lowly members of the Remembrancer Order and the Imperial Army, as well as members of various Xenos races and Heretic organisations. Spread out across the galaxy, these thrilling tales are captured over more than fifty. Now through the hard work of Knezekj and me, we have compiled enough stuff to release the beta version of the Horus Heresy minimod Now we got a review on how it sucks, but as stated it is BETA. After reading the Horus Heresy novels, I became engrossed with 30k. Telling the tale of how the 40K universe came to be in the shape it is, the Horus Heresy is a series of novels that delves into the dark side of human nature in an already dark universe.

horus heresy

Taking readers back to the 31st Millennium, the books introduce Earth at a time when humanity has finally decided to conquer the galaxy, having deemed it to be the rightful domain of their race. Main article: List of Horus Heresy Characters This setting, also known as The Horus Heresy, takes place roughly 10,000 years before the events of Games Workshops famed Warhammer 40K, pitting brother against brother and Space Marine legion against legion for the salvation (or damnation) of the species. In the past, there was another Horus Heresy mod. Clocking in at fifty-four official books, you would be forgiven for taking one look at the Horus Heresy series of Warhammer 40K prequels and doing a runner out of the nearest airlock. The Horus Heresy is the fictional civil war that crafted the bruised and battered world of Warhammer 40,000.

Horus heresy